Sunday, December 7, 2008

Different World

Today, Sunday, Chris and I went grocery shopping. 2 PM nice normal thing to be doing on a Sunday afternoon. Chris was looking for yoghurt, I was looking for Chris (she can be elusive) - as I was searching the aisles for Chris, I noticed that there was a girl giving out free samples at the end of an aisle.... hummm I wonder what she is giving away.... Hot Pockets?... Tacos?.... Nope, BOOZE. There was a shot girl at the supermarket. It wasn't just any kind of booze either, it was Pinch (single malt Scotch) $50 bucks a bottle. SHOTS AT THE SUPERMARKET? SUNDAY? Now I am starting to understand Ricky Martin's Livin la Vida Loca.

Just so you don't think this is out of the ordinary, there is a gas station near the dock that has drink girls selling beer on Fridays as well. Strange place.