Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Birdie, the landlubber...

So, as we are all well aware, Birdie the cat is now like a hundred years old in people years. She's completely out to lunch, and has gone through two or possibly three near-death episodes in the past eleven months, the most recent of which was just a few weeks ago. Anyway, when it became clear she was going to pull through after this last one, we decided to take her to the vet and see if we could figure out what was wrong with the cat (other than just being really, really old). Long story short - the vet poked and prodded her six ways to Sunday, and came up with nothing. But, just to be safe, he hit her with a nice shot of antibiotics and sent us home with an additional ten days' worth of pills. So...we had no choice but to take her with us this week. Unfortunately, in addition to getting carsick, poor Birdie now apparently gets seasick as well, as she threw up no less than three times Sunday night on our way to St. Thomas. (So much for that dose of antibiotics.) AND, when we introduced her to the guys, one of them told us that growing up in Santo Domingo they used to EAT kittens as they tasted like chicken. Great. Anyway, the upshot of this is that the cat will not be spending the rest of her days out at sea.
Here's a pic of her up on the bow when I took her out for some air Tuesday night.

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